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Thank you for being here!

My name is Pascale, I’m in my late forties and the founder of Fotorando. Born and raised in Labrador in an equally French and English environment made me bilingual. My father was an enthusiastic photographer and I'd spend hours looking through his boxes, compelled by the power of visual storytelling. I picked up my first camera at 10 and never let go. After graduating from Photography in ‘97 at the age of 21, I was hired on as a Photographer for the City of Quebec's media department. For 3 years, my assignments would carry me from construction sites to diplomatic events, to festivals and newsworthy events,  in addition to conducting lab work for several departments, including police and archives. All the images I captured during those years will remain as archival documents in the City's history, and that's pretty cool!


In 2000 I moved to Montreal and became a medical photographer at the University Center Hospital of Montreal until 2004. From purely medical assignments to lab work, social events and technical support to the teaching department, I had the privilege of specializing myself in Ophtalmo Photography. I wasn't ready to commit to a career though. And working in a hospital just wasn’t for me! 

I worked in the restaurant industry in the summers and doing gig work in advertising firms photographing products to finance traveling adventures with my backpack and my camera.

I’d then spend weeks in my darkroom closets, going through the hundreds of images I’d captured.

I started doing some freelance work too.


I shot a bunch of weddings, mostly for friends & family, headshots for workplaces and maternity photoshoots for friends. That line of work however was never much of an interest for me to pursue.

Fotorando photography basics for kids vancouver island nature walks french immersion

In 2005 I ran the Photography Club at a local college in northern Quebec for 2 years. Teaching students about film photography and darkroom techniques was by far one of my favourite experiences ever.

I realized teaching was right up my alley, I was a natural! 

In 2011 I’d had enough of Quebec, something had never felt quite right since leaving my hometown of Labrador. I packed one suitcase and my cat, sold all of my belongings and drove straight to Vancouver Island, where I’d never been and didn't know anyone! It turned out to be the best thing I ever did.

I owned a successful housekeeping business for 7 years but the physical work was daunting and I’d had enough. I recently worked as a French teacher with the French Alliance, teaching in person classes to both kids & adults. However their methods were very dated and not in line with mine, so I chose not to continue after completing a few courses.

It's time for me to return to my true calling: teaching Photography.

So here I am!

I am a self made kind of person and an entrepreneur who strives for balance, well-being and creativity. I have three main passions that have carried me throughout my life : the outdoors, photography and communication. 


Fotorando is an obvious alliance of these passions and abilities. Alongside my gift to easily connect with kids (young & old!) and my natural ease at teaching, I believe Fotorando's mission is my purpose. 


I'm also pretty funny; I love animals, nature, gardening and going on adventures (with my cat!).









I am certified as a first aid responder in child care and hold a certificate teaching
french as a second language.

I work and volunteer tutoring kids in both French and English through the Victoria Literracy Connection. 

 Follow me on instagram!

(all photos on this site are my own) Additional images are credited to Samuel Borsellino

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